Friday, November 27, 2009

Queque de Arándanos/ Blueberry Bundt Cake (Monica's grandmother)


2 tazas de harina/ 2 cups of flour (white or half white and half whole wheat)
2 tazas de asúcar/ 2 cups of sugar
100 gr. de margarina/ 100 gr. of butter
1 taza de leche/ 1 cup of milk
2 cucharaditas de polvos de hornear/ 2 teaspoons of baking powder
Ralladura de limón/ Lemon zest
3 huevos/ 3 eggs
Canela en polvo/ ground cinnamon
1 yogurt/ 1 yogurt (opcional/optional)

Preparación/ Cooking Instructions:

Mezclar, con la batidora, la mantequilla y el azúcar hasta que quede cremoso, agregar los 3 huevos, mezclar, agregar la harina, los polvos de hornear, la ralladura de limón, la canela y los arándanos. Mezclar todo y agregar la leche. Hornear en horno precalentado a una temperatura de 350 por 1 hora aproximadamente.
Mix the butter and the sugar until it's smooth. Add the 3 eggs and mix. Add the flour, baking powder, lemon zest, cinnamon and blueberries. Mix everything and add the milk. Bake in a preheated oven at 350 for 1 hour 15 minutes, approximately.
Note 1: In order to mix the butter and the sugar easily, you can put them in a bowl and place it in the oven while you're preheating it. By the time you take it out, it will be all melted and ready to mix with the rest of the ingredients.
Note 2: Blueberries are just one option for what you can make the queque with. You can also make it with sliced strawberries, with cranberries...or basically you can try whatever fruit you want!
Note 3: Don't use just whole wheat flour, that would make the queque too hard.
Note 4: The measurements on this recipe are approximates. Personally, I use the "eye-meter" :) which means that you add however much looks right...nobody has complained yet!

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